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Inauguration of New Office Building for Dynamic Argon

20 July 2020

Dynamic Argon Cambodia inaugurated a new office building in Chak Angrae district on 20 July 2020 to actualize DAC's commitment to healthcare in Cambodia. The inauguration was attended by CEO Dynamic Pharma Cambodia Mr. Tom Kimson, Managing Director Dynamic Pharman, Mr. Chan Huy Luong, Treasury Director Dynamic Pharma Mrs. Wen Yen Yun, Finance Controller Mrs. Seng Soksophorn, General Manager Dynamic Argon Bapak Hendarto, along with other Board of Directors of Dynamic Group.

According to Mr. Hendarto, General Manager of Dynamic Argon Cambodia, the building's inauguration is a culmination of DAC's dedication to providing service to Cambodians' health.

Numerous principals and relations expressed their support and admiration for the building's inauguration. It is hoped that DAC will serve as an example and continue to be involved in medicine distribution

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